Our Childrens Ministry seeks to lead children, from birth through fifth grade, to know and grow in their understanding of Jesus Christ. It is our goal to help children know Jesus as friend, Savior and Lord, grow in their Christian faith and have a positive view of the church by providing a warm, safe environment. We strive to help them to know that they are an important part of our church family and that they have gifts to offer.
During Worship Service, we have a Childrens Moment, which reinforces the content from the sermon on an age-appropriate level. Following the Childrens Moment, children ages 3 through 3rd grade are taken to Childrens Church, where the lesson continues in kid-friendly spaces.
A nursery is also provided for ages 0-2 throughout Sunday morning's activities. A class for children with special needs is offered on Sunday mornings during the 11 am worship service.

4:30-6:00 PM on Sunday Evenings
This program for grades K-5 meets throughout the school year to provide fun, fellowship, and opportunities to learn about God. The first Sunday evening of each month is Family Night when families with children from age 2 to grade 5 gather for an evening of family activities. Children also participate in service projects as they learn to share God's love with others in a variety of ways.
Church Camp and Events
Keep and eye on the welcome tab of the website for upcoming youth trips or events.