Together as Christians it is vital that we each strive to strengthen our own individual relationships with God. One way that is done is through study and fellowship with one another.

ministry icons adult

Women's Fellowship

The Disciples Women’s Fellowship meets the Second Thursday of the month at 11:30 AM for lunch, study, fellowship & service.

Ladies Night Out is the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM.

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets in the Montgomery Room in the Family Life Center at 7:00 AM every Wednesday.

Music Ministry

There are a handful of ways you can connect to First Christian Church's music ministries. Call the church office 432-682-2541 if you are interested in finding out how you can get involved.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers provide one to one Christian care to people that are going through a crisis. Call the church at 432-682-2541 to be put in touch with a Stephen Minister.